Tuesday, February 8, 2011

100th Day!!!

Wow...Fun times in first grade. We have been couting to this day since August and it has finally arrived. We celebrated all day the number 100. I have to say it went really well considering I had never done a 100th day celebration without a full time assistant...I miss you Mrs. Hardin. So here are a couple of pics of some of our activities. Hope your Tuesday was Terrific!

This was one of my babies favorite activities. They had to make a 100 piece snack.
It was full of yummies....
10 cheerios
10 skittles
10 M&Ms - my favorite
10 pretzels
10 mini-marshmallows
10 fruits loops
10 rainbow goldfish
10 peanuts
10 animal crackers
10 chocolate chips

This is what our classroom looked like after our day of fun!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

She said YES!!!

 That is my Aunt Josie that is!!!  Jay and I traveled to Atlanta, GA to celebrate with Aunt Josie and Gaylen.  They were married on January 27th and just returned from a wonderful honeymoon and had a reception to celebrate with all of their friends and family.  The event was held at a Sip Wine and Tapas in Alpharetta, GA.  It was a fast trip but it was so good to see everyone and celebrate with Aunt Josie and Gaylen.

This was the wonderful weather Jay to drive in.  He did a fabulous job!
Mr. Ducky kept a watch out for any of his friends!

Is this not a beautiful site?  We were in a bank parking lot and I spotted them and a picture had to be taken!

My beautiful momma getting all the yummy cakes in the right place with the correct cake label.

Colie and Heather awaiting for the celebration to begin!

Momma and her two girls!  

                                               Mallory and Beth sharing a smile
                                           with the guest!

Aunt Sharon and Grandmother

I have the greatest husband ever!!!  

Heather and Aunt Sharon

Heather, Aunt Josie (the BRIDE) and Me

Here Dad and I are asking in a sweet sugary way.."What flavor would you like to have?  Oh, they are all good."  

And these sweet darlings were made for our neighborhood meeting.  They went over very well and I did sprinkles for both of the teams in the Super Bowl!